The government Road-Map and how it applies to the Events Industry!

The government road-map is a four-step programme, first introduced on 22nd February 2021 with the first set of changes coming into play from the 8th March 2021.

Unfortunately, this information is to apply to entire nation and how everyone can operate, meaning there tends to be many confusions surrounding what applies to an individual in different sectors. We have taken the time to dissect the road-map and surmise what this means for your event.

The information used has been taken from the government guidelines: If there any queries regarding CO

VID-19 Government road-map, please visit the official website.

In Step 1 (8th March and 29th March), the changes had no direct impact on the events industry. With the Stay At Home order in places, companies could not arrange external meetings or training sessions.

Enter Step 2 (12th April), where restrictions continue to take strides towards a ‘new’ normal and living with COVID-19. The re-opening of non-essential retail, personal care premises, indoor leisure activities and most outdoor attractions left the nation feeling like we are coming out the other side, just in time for summer. However, this does not make it safe for events to proceed. The guidelines advise the funerals may continue with up to 30 mourners and the number of people to attend weddings, receptions and commemorative events (such as wakes). Otherwise, indoor hospitality venues remain as in Step 1.

With just over a month of step 2, Step 3 is scheduled to begin the 17th May. Gatherings over 30 will remain illegal. Indoors, the rule of six (or two households) will apply. However, working from home should continue until review (before step 4 begins). Most businesses in high-risk sectors will be able to open and businesses may not cater for groups bigger than legal limits. Therefore, essential meetings and training will be able to proceed, as long as the capacity does not exceed 30. This will also apply to indoor entertainment venues and adult sport groups/ exercise classes. Up to 30 people will be able to attend weddings, receptions and wakes, as well as funerals. The limit will also apply to other types of significant life events (bar mitzvahs and christenings). Larger performances in indoor venues may go ahead, with a capacity of 1,000 people or half-full (the lowest number applies).

Lastly step 4, to begin not before 21st June. The government hopes to be in a position to remove all legal limits on social contact. There is also hope to reopen remaining premises and ease restrictions on large events and performances that apply in step 3. Necessary tests will be carried out, using pilot events to trial the use of testing and other techniques to cut the risk of infection. This research will also guide decisions on whether all limits are to be removed on weddings and other life events.

In summary, the events industry will progress slowly, but safely. Although venues remain closed, most inboxes continue to remain open for any queries or future planning. Many have begun to book from August onward so it’s never too late to get your enquiry in!

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